1.-4. august kogunevad Haapsalus bluusi sõbrad ja linnas on igal nurgal tunda mõnusat bluusi hõngu. Kuna üritus läheneb meeletu kiirusega, tekkis mõte, et jagan meie eelmise aasta festivali kogemust.
In the last month of summer, it has become tradition for our group of friends to visit the legendary August Blues Festival. It is a mandatory event every summer, where there is enough good music, delicious food and good company for everyone. The weather was changeable as usual in Estonia – alternately sun and rain.
We are already seasoned festival goers and knew that feeling comfortable has a key importance. So we packed our waterproof seating bases – which turned out to be an invaluable asset. These compact and lightweight bases can be slung over the shoulder or easily tucked into a bag, which is why they were our constant companions during all the blues days.
After hundreds we could easily spread our bases on the grass and enjoy the concert without having to worry about getting wet or getting our clothes dirty. That is why we could fully focus on music and festival life.

Looking back on those fantastic performances and the warm atmosphere, we’re very glad we had the foresight to take the Tooliks with us. These little helpers made our festival experience many times more enjoyable and left us with many beautiful memories of carefree moments. In anticipation of this year’s August Blues Festival, we know for sure what to add to our festival gear!
Order the Toolik seating base for summer events here