The story of the Toolik

One fall day, Krisse came home and announced that she and her friends were starting a student company and they need a product to sell. At home, we did a little brainstorming about what could be the product that she herself has been missing. Since Krisse is involved in many different hobbies, the mapping was started with considering her hobbies. While brainstorming, Krisse remembered that during the hikes of the Defense Association, she had missed a seating base that is waterproof and compact. Packing and unpacking the big film at each point of the hike was a tedious activity. When we started to develop this idea further,we came to understanding that there is needed a seating base which could be comfortably carried, that would be waterproof and keep clothes from getting dirty. A well thought-out seating base could be used in many different areas. When Krisse’s friends heard about the product, each of them thought of situations where they themselves would have been happy to have such a seating base. And so it became clear that this is an idea of a product that many people need.

When the first thoughts were visualized on paper, a prototype was made and that’s how Toolik’s journey began. During the time Krisse had a student company, our family realized that the seating base Toolik is a product that people need and that can be further developed.

So when the student company ended, we as a family company took continued to develop the product and made several detailed updates to the product.

Specially heartwarming was that after the end of the student company, Krisse was invited to the discussion panel of EENA (Estonian Entrepreneurial Women’s Association) and was very surprising that in the round of questions there were quite a lot of interested people who wanted information about Toolik.

The discussion panel can be viewed here: